God’s Rules and Laws

By a servant of God.

July 20,2023

Have you ever stopped and really thought about the rules and laws that God has put in place? We don’t always know or understand why God makes certain things unacceptable for us.

When Moses brought the Israelites out of Egypt and into the Sinai desert, where they roamed for 40 years, during which God gave them their laws and their rules for living, and how to treat each other. He gave Moses 613 laws for the Jewish people. Many of those laws the people had no way of knowing why God made that law.

But today, with technology, medical and scientific advancements, we know the things that the people back then couldn’t have known. God does not willy-nilly make laws. When he makes them he has very good reasons. He knows and sees things that we cannot and when he makes a rule for us it is in our best interest, so they obeyed.

We know today that the swine family are notorious for carrying parasites. Today we have the ability to rid the animal of these problems. And then in processing they are inspected before we ever see them. But the Jews 3,000 years ago couldn’t have known that.

There are examples of these things all through the Bible. God has shown us over and over that He does what is best for us even when we don’t understand.

When I discovered that someone I love very deeply was living a homosexual lifestyle I went into deep prayer for understanding. I know the usual Christian response is that God created us man and woman and were told to multiply and fill the earth. I totally understand and agree with that. The family unit is the cornerstone of society. But I also know that when a man and woman get married, God knows before hand, if they are going to be able to have children. And if He blesses that marriage, even though they can’t procreate, there must be some other reason that God forbids homosexuality.

I did a deep dive in to research on anything related to the homosexual lifestyle. I finally came to doing medical research on it. Remembering how fast AIDS swept through the community, I thought maybe some thing medical could be the reason that God forbid it.

I read a lot of medical research and reports from doctors and scientists that specialized in the gay community. My heart sank with every document. There are so many diseases in this community that are not being talked about. Most are in the males but females are not exempt. But when you look at statistics you get a very different picture. Both the men and women have a shorter lifespan by 10 to 20 years. So there has to be other things that are going on that our medical technology at this point cannot find.

Just like the Jews couldn’t know about the parasites, what is it that God knows that we don’t yet know. God does not make willy-nilly laws just to make it inconvenient for someone.