Let Them Be Kids
Every day there is a silent war being waged on the minds and bodies of our children.
From the media, to entertainment, to government, to our schools.
I have neither the expertise nor the ability to know all that is happening to our children. There are so many dangerous things coming at kids these days from every angle in every sphere of their lives. No one of us can be an expert on all of it.
But if we don’t bring together parents, grandparents, experts and people who can or will speak up we are going to lose this generation and there will be no one to lead our country except the people they are indoctrinating.
I am going to do my best with, God’s grace, to pull together the voices and sources that can inform us on these things and teach us what we can do and what our rights, responsibilities and powers are.
One of the biggest challenges right now is getting these voices heard over the lies and suppression of truth. It’s going to take an enormous grassroots effort to overcome the Marxist propaganda being pushed into schools and homes 24/7.
But I truly believe that this will not succeed until we fall on our knees and humble our hearts and ask for forgiveness and healing from God. He promises that He will hear and heal our land. He has proven Himself faithful to keep His promises over and over for thousands of years.
Just think about it. Where have our attempts gotten us? In America we have gotten so apathetic and consumed with our own lives we have allowed heartless Communists to take our country to the brink and indoctrinate several generations of our children. If we don’t act now with a Biblical worldview we will lose our kids, our country and possibly the world.
A Call For All
We are all in this together and everyone can help in some way. First we all need to stay prayerful. We need to stop being afraid because we ARE the majority. We need to keep our eyes opened for all voices that are fighting for our kids and truth. And every article, video or voice that we find we need to share it all over the internet. If you know of or come across a source that you think is truthful and fighting for what is right, please let me know and I will check them out. We will achieve more together than as separate and smaller groups. You know what you can do so if we each do that much we can do great things.
Email all of the info you know about voices out there to Pippin at LetThem@raindrop.org.
Wise Words
It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.
~Frederick Douglass, abolitionist and orator.