There Is Healing After Abortion
We who reject abortion do not reject those who have had abortions.
Counseling, forgiveness, and healing can be found after abortion.
No judgement, just love and understanding.
My Message
I am working to gather all of the resources you may need to help you
through this difficult time and I will keep searching. If there is a
source that you know of I hope you will consider sharing it with me.
Please know that my heart and prayers are with you and I hope you find
the answers you are looking for so you can find the peace you need to
live your life. God bless and guide you.
My Belief
I believe that women have been lied to long enough. We have been lied to
about the development of the baby and the reality of who they are. We have
been lied to about abortion and what is really happening and will happen.
We have been lied to about what abortion really does to the mother mentally
and physically. It's time for us to tell all women the truth and put an end
to the lies. We have to stop the killing of these babies and the destruction
of women's lives. Knowledge will guide you to the best choice.
Don't allow others to tell you what to do, it's your choice and knowelge
and truth will help YOU decided.
Wise Words
You Are Not Alone!
There Is Hope and Help!
Just Look Up ~ He Is There!
He Will Give You Peace!