RainDrops of Life
At RainDrop I address three areas of concern in our upside down world today. These are areas that have been heavy on my heart for a long time. They all require different types of responses. But one thing they have in common is something that is needed in every area of life right now. PRAYER!
There is so much to be concerned about in our world one person can't address all of it. But we can choose what touches our hearts the most and do something. We can ALL pray. Prayer does change things. And some can lend physical aid and some can help financially. But EVERYONE can pray! God is always listening for the prayers of His people and He always answers. He knows the best way and time to answer. We need some real TRUTH in our world today.
Let Them Live
Since the overturn of Roe v Wade there is more need than ever before for us to help women/girls with unplanned pregnancy. Many are in poverty, homeless or an unstable living situation. Some have already had an abortion and are experiencing sadness, depression or worse and don't even know of the help that is out there. We must reach as many as possible.
Let Them Be Kids
Our kids today are being hit from every angle 24/7 with all kinds of lies, indoctrination, sexualization and pseudoscience. In America we have always drawn the red line at our kids and yet they are facing things we never could have imagined. At school, online, out with friends and even at home. There are parents that are subjecting their own kids to drag shows, dangerous irreversible medical treatments and mutilations of their young heathy body parts. If we don't take a stand for them, we don't take a stand for the future.
Let Them Worship
Around the world, more than 380 million Christians live in places where they experience high levels of persecution, just for following Jesus. That’s 1 in 7 believers, worldwide.
Millions of Christians face interrogation, arrest, torture, and/or death because of their religious convictions and cultural/ethnic identification.
~Open Doors
There were more Christian martyrs in the twentieth century than in all of the previous nineteen centuries combined. Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, and many of their lesser-known totalitarian colleagues put millions of Christians to death for their faith in that terrible hundred-year period. One of the saddest features of the still-young twenty-first century is that this awful trend is undoubtedly continuing. By far the most persecuted religious group in the world today are Christians, and they are dying by the thousands especially in the Middle East, Africa and Asia.
While about 30 percent of the world’s population identifies as Christian, 80 percent of all acts of religious discrimination are directed at Christians.
~International Society for Human Rights
Christian responses to persecution are almost always nonviolent and, with very few exceptions, do not involve acts of terrorism.
Source: Under Caesar’s Sword
When it happened to the Jewish people under Hitler everyone said "Never Again", but it has never stopped only gotten worse. Where is the American media today? Silencing Americans. The truth is out there they just don't want us to hear it. Why?
Wise Words
There will be a day when we each meet God
face-to-face, whether we believe in Him or not.
~Pastor Jack Hibbs